Hello fellow bloggers!! So I said in my last post I was going to post my sole reason for going to New York this past weekend. It was to meet my sewing IDOL Mimi "Mimi G" Goodwin. She had posted for a few weeks that she was coming to New York to sign her patterns that she has just released with Simplicity. I was so excited about this because I have wanted to meet her for over a year! I wasn't able to go to her annual conference this summer, so I jumped with the opportunity to meet her when I saw her post she was going to be in my neck of the woods. The meet and greet was held at the Brooklyn Craft Company in New York.
I wish this picture was a little more focused, but it will do. I love this picture anyway!
Oh hey Kelly. Sitting over there looking so beautiful!!
The little goodies inside the bags placed in front of the the patterns.
I was one of the first to get there because I was so excited, but at the same time didn't want to be standing in line a block away because I knew how many people would be there. While waiting in line I met some amazing women. One in particular I can say is my female sewing soul mate! Since this meet and greet I have kept in touch with just about every day since, I am thankful and grateful to have met her.
We all screamed and clapped when she got out the taxi. Its amazing how such a ordinary person like you and me can be so awesome and change the lives of many women!
She is so humble!!! I loved the shirt that she was wearing!!!
I was so happy that I got a hug. It is obvious by how high up my eyebrows are that I must have been smiling really really hard. I think so of her magic wore off on me!! LOL. Now maybe I can sew some really awesome stuff. LOL
She signed my patterns and gave me Mimi G Style labels.
Had to take another picture with Adrienne. In my last post we look like we were sweating to death from all the running around and shopping we were doing the day before.
Oh hey Kelly. Sitting over there looking so beautiful!!
Looking at all her fans waiting to meet her and tell her what an inspiration she is to all of us.
These were the goody bags that were given to all the ladies that attended the meet and greet!
The little goodies inside the bags placed in front of the the patterns.
The patterns that Mimi G signed. I bought 2 sets of her patterns. One set was for her to sign and I will never use. The other set is for me to cut up and make these awesome outfits.
This will be a trip that I will never forget. I still smile when I think about it. I feel like it is something that I can cross off a bucket list. And if it wasn't for this event I would never met a lovely woman that I feel like I have known all my life!! We have been in contact ever since. I did tweet +Mimi G. about how grateful I am to have attended this event and made a lifelong friend because of it.
I am definitely going to try and make it to her next conference next summer in LA. I know there is still so much for me to learn when it comes to sewing and creating and +Mimi G. has made it easy to learn and fun. Hope you enjoyed reading this post. My next post will hopefully be a fabric haul from the district.
Until Next Time
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