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Stephanie Goes to New York -- Part 1 -- Garment District

Hello blogging world.  This past weekend I traveled to the Garment / Fashion District in New York City!! Now I have been to New York a few times, but this was the first time I was traveling specifically for the Garment District.  It is only about a 1hr 50min train ride for me. It goes even faster when you take a cat nap!


All Aboard!!!!
I ended up having to take the 10:25 AM train because I missed the 9:46 AM by 2 minutes!!! The traffic on the highway that day was insane!!

This is the Garment District Kiosk.  It is located between 7th Ave and 39th Street.  When I went the kiosk was closed!! There was a sign on the door that said it was closed and to find information on their website  I had emailed them a few months before for a color map to study it for the stores I wanted to go to.

The legendary statue of the Bronze Garment Worker! I wish I was able to get the picture without people sitting all around him, but this was the best I could get.


The Spandex House was the first stop on my list!!  



There is TWO floors of every kind of spandex, lycra, blend stretch material you could think of!!!  I was amazed!! You really can not go into these stores without some type of plan or it is too overwhelming.  You may just end up handing your wallet over!

My second stop was the infamous Mood Fabrics!! I didn't get to take a picture of a store sign because there really isn't any.  Now you have to take an elevator up to this store.  There is an elevator driver always waiting at the bottom to take you up.  On the street level they do have a Mood store, but that only has Home Decor fabric.  Once you get upstairs its the bright world you see on shows like Project Runway!



What I love about this store is everything is labeled by sections.  There is  A LOT of sections.  It would be pointless to name all the sections, but it is three floors of every fabric type and blend you can think of.


In all the bolts of fabric there is a white tag that lists the type of fabric that it is and how much per yard it is.  There are times that some of the bolts do not have the tags in them, but there is very friendly staff that can help you.



There are 3 floors and long aisles of fabric to make anything and everything.  I went with a little notebook with ideas and yardage in mind.  Do not go to this store without some plan or you will also hand them your wallet too!!  If you do not have a plan its not that bad, you can ask any employ that is walking around to cut a swatch of ALMOST all the fabric to take home and sleep on.  But if you are not from around the area you should get what you can't live without!! LOL


My third stop on my fabric store agenda was Paron Fabrics.  I had read some good reviews on this store and how it was affordable and that the staff was nice so I had to see for myself.


In the back way back of the they have discontinued or last season fabric for 50% off.  I also came at a good time because the remaining part of the store was 25% off all regular priced fabric.  This sale is going on from June to October.


In my fabric store travels I ran into Adrienne Nixon of the blog Adrienne's Essentials and Kelly Horton in the well-known Metro Textiles.  We look like we are melting because it was so hot that weekend.  I was a little bummed that I did not get to meet the owner of the store Kashi that everyone speaks so highly of.  Maybe the next time I go I will meet him.

Now on to Pacific Trimming!! This is another store that I have heard a lot about.  I did not buy anything from there this time because nothing I currently have on my to do list needed any specific type of trim.  I just wanted to check it out and see what the place was like.

The Zippers and ribbon........

and the buttons.......

and the buckles and other hardware.  If you can't find what you are looking for in here, I don't think any place can help you!!



I couldn't leave with out doing a few things.  I had to see Chicago!! I have seen the movie but I needed to see it live.  It is awesome.  I try to see something every time I go.  I think my next show will be Wicked.


I did not ride it this time, but I will the next time I'm there.  If I am not mistaken you pay for the amount of time that you are on it.  It is a great way to get around, but I was okay with walking.


I am not allowed to leave without going into the super Toys-R-Us and bring back something for my children.  They love the indoor Ferris Wheel!  I did come home with a gift for each of them.  They were good sports that there mom was away for the weekend.


So this little guy is in place of the Christmas tree.  I wish I had a better picture of him.  The other spray painted eye is absent because I was told the sun has faded it away. :(( I was pretty sad about that.  But it was cool to see something else there besides the Christmas tree.  Wish I must add is better to see on a weekday because trying to see the tree on a weekend is a nightmare!!


So here ends my one day in the Garment District of New York.  I was there for two days with a specific agenda.  In my next post I will be blogging  about my sole reason for coming to New York last weekend.  Shopping in the district was just an added bonus and that some of the stores are either not open on a Saturday or close early. So Friday was my shopping day.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of my shopping trip and maybe even learn a few things from it.

Until Next Time



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