This year we ventured out more driving into new towns and going to new stores 😊 boy do I love to shop when I'm in another state! Lol!! I also take this trip to do both of my kids school shopping b/c we find different things than what we have in our home town, but also we get them so customized garments while we are there.
Hope you enjoy just a few of our summer vacation pics!!
My kids and my nephew on one of the cooler nights! All the red was not planned it just happened that way.
We always make the mile(s) long walk to the Wildwoods sign just to get our "oh how you have grown over the years" picture.
I had to stop at the local Jo-Ann Fabrics to get 4yards of Eagles fleece!! Being an Eagles fan the best part of going to New Jersey b/c of all the Eagles merchandise!
And then off to the first day of school and me of course back work! I don't have a back to work selfie b/c I probably wouldn't look as happy as these two!! Even though I was excited to make back all the money I spent!! Until next year Wildwood 😘
Until Next Time✌️
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