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Showing posts from September, 2014

Overcasting Stitch...."Over Excited" so I'm "Over Sharing"

Hi All, So this is going to be a random post because it is my blog and I felt like sharing my excitement.  To many reading this it may not be that exciting, but because this blog is about my journey in the sewing world and I am still learning new things everyday for me it is something to talk about. I have been wanting a serger for about 8 months now.  I have seen a lot of YouTube videos of people using it and well-known bloggers and seamstresses using it as well.  Every time I finish a garment I think to myself...If I had a serger to finish off all these raw edges it would look fantastic. I posted about 2 months about my new Brother sewing machine (Here) that I recently purchased.  I have been using it little by little and I started wondering about the overcasting stitch. Here is a close up of me using the overcasting foot for the first time. Zooming out to show the stitch.  I think it would look better if the raw edges were a little c...

DIY -- Fleece Eagles Poncho -- Simplicity 1747

Hi All, So I guess when you become a sewing start to want to sew everything and anything no matter how big or how small.  For me, I walk by my sewing machine and say, "man I need to get something in there just to get it moving". So I decided to get a small project going.  This project was not for me but for my son.  I swear I think of DIY projects all day everyday....even while I'm working!! In my house we are Philadelphia Eagles fans!!  Even though we live in New England where everybody is a New York Giants, New York Jets or New England Patriots fans, we Bleed Green in our house. When I was in New Jersey this summer on vacation I made a specific trip to stop at Joann Fabrics to pick up 4 yards of this lovely fleece fabric.  Certain states carry surrounding professional sports teams or you have to special order them.  I plan on making more things with this fabric, but I had the poncho in mind when I bought it. It looked simple ...

Stephanie Goes to New York --Part 2-- Meets Mimi G of

Hello fellow bloggers!! So I said in my last post I was going to post my sole reason for going to New York this past weekend.  It was to meet my sewing IDOL Mimi "Mimi G" Goodwin . She had posted for a few weeks that she was coming to New York to sign her patterns that she has just released with Simplicity.  I was so excited about this because I have wanted to meet her for over a year! I wasn't able to go to her annual conference this summer, so I jumped with the opportunity to meet her when I saw her post she was going to be in my neck of the woods.  The meet and greet was held at the Brooklyn Craft Company in New York.                       I was one of the first to get there because I was so excited, but at the same time didn't want to be standing in line a block away because I knew how many people would be there.  While waiting in line I met some amazing women.  One in particular I can say is m...

Stephanie Goes to New York -- Part 1 -- Garment District

                        Hello blogging world.  This past weekend I traveled to the Garment / Fashion District in New York City!! Now I have been to New York a few times, but this was the first time I was traveling specifically for the Garment District.  It is only about a 1hr 50min train ride for me. It goes even faster when you take a cat nap!                      All Aboard!!!! I ended up having to take the 10:25 AM train because I missed the 9:46 AM by 2 minutes!!! The traffic on the highway that day was insane!!                                 This is the Garment District Kiosk.  It is located between 7th Ave and 39th Street.  When I went the kiosk was closed!! There was a sign on the door that said it was closed and to find information on their web...

From Wildwood, NJ to Back to School & Work

I needed to make time to post on my blog so everyone knows I am alive and well. I'm doing it from my iPhone so hopefully it comes out right!! This was the family's 5th year back to Wildwood, NJ. We just can't get enough of this place and it seems to have become a tradition now. Every year we learn something new or see something new. This year we ventured out more driving into new towns and going to new stores 😊 boy do I love to shop when I'm in another state! Lol!! I also take this trip to do both of my kids school shopping b/c we find different things than what we have in our home town, but also we get them so customized garments while we are there. Hope you enjoy just a few of our summer vacation pics!! My babies love the beach!! We were there every morning 3-4hrs! I was enjoying myself too! Lots of R&R!! I love taking group selfies more than just a selfie of me! Took a 45min drive backwards to Atlantic City! No gambling...