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Put Your Name On Your Work!!

Clothing Labels Just Arrived!!

When I was in elementary school I remember my teachers always saying, "Don't forget to put your name on your work so I know who it belongs too!"  I even have to remind my children when they do their homework to put their name on their work as well. 

Now I get to put my name on My Work!!!

A few weeks before Christmas I was searching for clothing labels that I was able to customize and wouldn't break the bank.  I really was doing my homework!! I was looking for a small quantity to start with just in case I wasn't satisfied. One of my Instagram followers had shown a picture of herself sewing in her labels and I was curious where they came from.  She told me about this website I believe the basic starting price for 50 labels is $21.00 US.  If you add a graphic it brings it to $24.00 US and if you add the border it takes it to $27.00 US before taxes.  This was plenty affordable to me to start with 50!! Perhaps if you go more in depth with your personal logo and get more creative it will cost more and take longer to get to you. It took about 3 weeks to get to my house but it was worth the wait.  I am so happy with how they came out and will definitely order more!!

It honestly was the best "sewing feeling" in the world to put my label in the clothes that I made for the first time.  I can't describe it, but it was elating!! 

Just a few pictures of some of the already made clothes that I put my label in.  After doing so it makes me feel like all the hard work is complete once you put the label in!

I am not affiliated with, I do however highly recommend their company for the affordability, quality and quick shipping.

Until Next Time!!



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