I'm not gonna say that I have a million resolutions because I know myself....they will eventually one by one be broken. My goal for this year is to try and blog once a week with the busy work and family life I have been living. I had this notion that I had to blog every day and that my blog would only be about sewing. Yes...sewing and showcasing my work was a big part of the reason why I wanted to start the blog in the first place, but I am realizing that there is so much more to "blog" about. As I have said in my previous post it's not about making money or trying to become famous. It's about being me and sharing the things that I love and love to do.
In the header of my blog it says:
"My journey as a beginner in the sewing and blogging community. The failures,the triumphs and the in between!!! "
I have to remind myself that I can blog about the in between and not let so much time go in between posts.
I do have a lot of posts brewing in my head. I have a few sewing projects that I will be working on. The one I am currently working on may be my first failure that I will post. Its a New Look pattern that I started but have been avoiding it because it was frustrating me. I think I will finish it though just to see what happens so I can learn from my mistakes.
I just ordered some fabric to start working on my first Craftsy class so I am pretty excited about that. I have been dreaming about finishing it before I even start it!
I am hoping to join the new January Sew Along with Pretty Girls Sew using a Butterick Pattern they chose. It will be my first sew along. I was afraid of the October Scandal Sew Along they did, but it's a new year to try new things and NOT be scared!!
I also saw some DIY Pintrest posts that I pinned to my board that I want to make as well.
I also saw some DIY Pintrest posts that I pinned to my board that I want to make as well.
I have a few plans to travel a little more and get back on my bike riding too.
Here I come 2015!!
I can't wait to jump into blogging again!
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Until Next Time!!
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