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Showing posts from January, 2015

DIY -- Sweatsuit -- New Look 6142

DIY --Sweatsuit -- New Look 6142 This project was a long time in the making. I bought pattern in the spring of last year with the thought of making a warm sweatsuit this winter.  I purchased this fabric of course from Joann Fabrics on Black Friday! I was on another blog one day and after reading the blogger say there was no stretch I was a little bummed. I didn't realize even after I bought it was there was no stretch to it, but I still wanted to make this outfit anyway and I wasn't letting that stop me. I have no idea what happened to my borders for the other pics...they just disappeared. The fabric I chose for the top and bottom was a sweatshirt fleece in a hot pink and black.  I love patterns that don't have many pieces to cut! I didn't take many pictures of sewing the sweat jacket. I did have to take up in the sleeve cap and adjust the shoulders.  Because this is unisex there will have to be some adjustments made for a more petit...

Put Your Name On Your Work!!

Clothing Labels Just Arrived!! When I was in elementary school I remember my teachers always saying, "Don't forget to put your name on your work so I know who it belongs too!"  I even have to remind my children when they do their homework to put their name on their work as well.  Now I get to put my name on My Work!!! A few weeks before Christmas I was searching for clothing labels that I was able to customize and wouldn't break the bank.  I really was doing my homework!! I was looking for a small quantity to start with just in case I wasn't satisfied. One of my Instagram  followers had shown a picture of herself sewing in her labels and I was curious where they came from.  She told me about this website . I believe the basic starting price for 50 labels is $21.00 US.  If you add a graphic it brings it to $24.00 US and if you add the border it takes it to $27.00 US before taxes.  This was plenty affordable to me to s...

Starting My New Year Sewing Budget

New Year Sewing Budget So again, I really didn't plan on having any resolutions because I would have a hard time keeping them.  I know last year a lot of people participated in the Sewing Diet in which they did not buy any unnecessary RTW (ready to wear) clothing and either sewed or upcycled their clothing. That challenge didn't do much for me because I only shop about a few times a year and not for expensive things.  I have some jeans, shirts, sweaters and scrubs that I have been wearing for 6+ years and still look good and in style.  What I did notice last year is that I spent lots of $$$$$$$ on fabric and tools of the trade.  Like any hobby it can get a little pricey just with fabric alone!!  Now in my defense for last year, I spent a lot of money basically for start up.  Having to buy a new reliable sewing machine that can grow with me as I hone my sewing skills can break the bank itself let alone buy all the supplies that you need. (Pa...

New Year -- Gonna Jump On It -- Blogging Again

I'm not gonna say that I have a million resolutions because I know myself....they will eventually one by one be broken.  My goal for this year is to try and blog once a week with the busy work and family life I have been living.  I had this notion that I had to blog every day and that my blog would only be about sewing.  Yes...sewing and showcasing my work was a big part of the reason why I wanted to start the blog in the first place, but I am realizing that there is so much more to "blog" about.  As I have said in my previous post it's not about making money or trying to become famous. It's about being me and sharing the things that I love and love to do.  In the header of my blog it says:  " My journey as a beginner in the sewing and blogging community. The failures,the triumphs and the in between!!! " I have to remind myself that I can blog about the in  between  and not let so much time go in between posts.   I do...