DIY - Mimi G Style Jacket View D
If you have followed my blog you have seen that I LOVE Mimi G and I was so excited to meet her this past September. I'm sure many people love and follow her, but I owe this restart to the love of sewing to her. I always thought all I could sew was home decor or children dresses that didn't have much difficulty to them. If it wasn't for finding her on YouTube one day I wouldn't have come as far as I have. Not to say that I don't have a very long way to go and new things to learn everyday, but she has made it possible for me to keep going and keep trying!!
Pictured here is one of my signed copies of her pattern. This is not the pattern that I cut! This is safely tucked away after taking this pic. The fabric used to make the jacket (View D) is a Black Ponte fabric (Here) that I bought from Mood Fabrics in NYC.
There are a couple flaws in it that I would change for the next time....but I can't complain for my first time.
I used to love cutting out pattern pieces and the fabric, but now that I am sewing more frequently....I think this is starting to becoming my least favorite part!
Now I chose to show this picture because this is the first time that I really had to use interfacing. With that being said, I think I used one that was a little to heavy/stiff for this project. Next time I will use a much lighter one.
Making this jacket had a lot of firsts for me. Like sewing the loops for the belt. It still amazes me watching things I make come together.
With these two pictures I was so excited to see it coming together.
Just sewing my seams on one of the lapels! :)
This was a challenge for me because this was my first time doing a real sleeve with easing and setting in. It was not the easiest for me!! I will have to practice with this.
Getting my sleeve set in the arm hole.
Another (look so far) pic. It made it look a little weird with the arms poked out.
I ended up having to take in both sides a little.
Sewing on the interfaced self facing.
Above and below of the finished look. I ended up taping the arms of my DIY Dress Form down to the bust/body to make it look good.
To me it came out as good as I could hope. I have already worn it a hand full of times for an evening out and even to work when I don't have to wear scrubs. I have received a lot of compliments even with the flaws that I know are there but they can't see. I once read no one should be that close to you to see your mistakes. Next time I will cut the pattern down from a 12 to 10 and use a lighter weight interfacing so the lapels aren't as stiff. I do have to get a little better at easing the sleeves, but overall I am happy with it and its mine!! I will be making a few more in different colors eventually. There are so many patterns and ideas that I want to do and or finish (WIP) that I can't get to another one of these yet. When I do I will be sure to post them.
Until Next Time!!
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