THE LAST POST OF Blogging hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be when I first started in April. I would think about it constantly but actually giving it all my time and energy with a full-time job and my kids sports and family life in general had proven to make blogging difficult. I didn't go into blogging trying to make money or a second income, I wanted to do it for a place to journal my sewing progress or anything else that was going on in m life that wasn't too personal to post. That saying "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach" rings true to me. I wanted so much for my blog but, I didn't have as much time in the day as I thought I would to post everyday. Now by no means am I a quitter!!! I am trying to set new goals for myself when it comes to my blog. I'm sure everyone says I am going to this and I am going to do that and fail at it 2 months in. I am hoping that I will not fall into that category myself. 1) Want to sew mo...