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Showing posts from 2014

Last Post Of The Year 2014

THE LAST POST OF Blogging hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be when I first started in April.  I would think about it constantly but actually giving it all my time and energy with a full-time job and my kids sports and family life in general had proven to make blogging difficult.  I didn't go into blogging trying to make money or a second income, I wanted to do it for a place to journal my sewing progress or anything else that was going on in m life that wasn't too personal to post. That saying "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach" rings true to me.  I wanted so much for my blog but, I didn't have as much time in the day as I thought I would to post everyday.  Now by no means am I a quitter!!!  I am trying to set new goals for myself when it comes to my blog.  I'm sure everyone says I am going to this and I am going to do that and fail at it 2 months in.  I am hoping that I will not fall into that category myself. 1) Want to sew mo...

DIY --Empire Waist Dress-- Butterick B5917

DIY --Empire Waist Dress-- Butterick B5917 This fabric I picked up at Paron Fabrics in NYC.  I go there now about once a month but I think this one was bought in September.  It is soo soft!! It has a good stretch to it too.  I can't remember for the life of me what it is made out of. I'm sure it is some type of knit blend.  I need to remind myself sometimes to take a picture of the bolt or at least the tag just so I can remember what the fabric is!! This is the first time I have had to really shorten the length of the bottom.  It was way past my knees! I like it short, but not too short!  Unless....... Darts!! I hate them!  I was so determined to make sure it matched the other side and that if the chalk started to disappear on me I could still find the positioning.  I have to do some internet searching though!!! There has to be a better / easier way to do darts and have them come out almost perfect! Why are shoulder se...

DIY --Christmas Gift Pajamas-- McCall's and See & Sew

CHRISTMAS PAJAMAS Few weeks ago I made my first set of pajamas for my daughter and son ( HERE ). It was a big hit with them!! They don't want to wear anything else to bed but what I mad them.  Come to find out my younger sister wanted a pair as well. I used the See & Sew B4322 again for my son and daughter and used the McCall's M6251 for my sister because she is a teenager. Off to Joann Fabrics I went.  It was such a hard decision with all the fleece fabric to choose from.  I knew that I wanted Anti-Pill fleece and I needed to find something that would fit the personality of each child.  After a lot of up and downs through the aisles I settled on these fabrics. My mother came up with the good idea of putting there nick names that she uses on the back of their pajamas. I purchased from Joann's Soft Iron-On Letters   (Similar Here)   I wanted them to have the same kind of softness that the pajama fleece has. FOR MY SISTER MIKAYLAH ...

Craftsy Course Splurge

This post is about my little splurge on buying lots of classes that I bought from Now to find the time to sew all the projects that I bought! I am a visual learner. Not to say that I can't read patterns and come out with something that is ready to wear. Just sometimes I need to see it done with my own eyes. Maybe even rewind it a few times until I get the concept.  I also can say....if I'm going to spend good money on good fabric, I want to sew along with someone and get it right so it doesn't end up in a bag that I have of sewing projects that have met their True Death!! (Paying homage to a once great show True Blood) Now the Sewing with Knits class was the first class on my wish list to buy. Yes, I have sewn with knits before and have had good and bad expirences with it. So...I figured buying this class may help me with things I haven't learned by trial and error yet. I bought Making Leather Bags with the hope that I c...

From me to you!

I hope everyone had Happy Thanksgiving and a safe holiday weekend!! I know the Black Friday shopping was in full effect! I definitely took advantage of some great deals and coupons at Joann Fabrics!! Now to wash everything I bought...oh yeah and find the time to make it! Lol  Until next time!! ✌️ Stephanie  (iPhone Post)

DIY - Cowl Neck Tunic - McCall's M6612

DIY- Cowl Neck Tunic View A - McCall's M6612 I have an obsession with trying to find long shirts or tunics to wear with leggings. My backside has to be covered at all times!! I am totally out of my comfort zone if its not.  When I saw this pattern I couldn't resist. It's stylish and can be worn with tights and leggings.  I do have a short attention span at times so it looked quick enough for me to do in a day or two with stopping to go to work and taking care of kids. I'm sad I didn't take a pic of the fabric like I normally do for my other posts.  I believe I purchased this fabric at Joann Fabrics.  It was an impulse purchase that I had no idea what I was going to make with it.  You cant tell by the picture, but it has a very faint amount of sparkle to it.  It's a light weight jersey knit. I will tell you, to only have to cut out three pattern pieces made my day and gave me my sewing fix. LOL The pattern was pretty easy to follow. I think...

DIY - Jacket - Simplicity 1283 - MimiG Style

DIY - Mimi G Style Jacket View D If you have followed my blog you have seen that I LOVE  Mimi G  and I was so excited to meet her this past September.  I'm sure many people love and follow her, but I owe this restart to the love of sewing to her. I always thought all I could sew was home decor or children dresses that didn't have much difficulty to them.  If it wasn't for finding her on YouTube one day I wouldn't have come as far as I have.  Not to say that I don't have a very long way to go and new things to learn everyday, but she has made it possible for me to keep going and keep trying!! Pictured here is one of my signed copies of her pattern.  This is not the pattern that I cut! This is safely tucked away after taking this pic.  The fabric used to make the jacket (View D) is a Black Ponte fabric (Here)  that I bought from Mood Fabrics in NYC. There are a couple flaws in it that I would change for the next time....but I can't ...