This post is about my little splurge on buying lots of classes that I bought from Now to find the time to sew all the projects that I bought!
I am a visual learner. Not to say that I can't read patterns and come out with something that is ready to wear. Just sometimes I need to see it done with my own eyes. Maybe even rewind it a few times until I get the concept.
I also can say....if I'm going to spend good money on good fabric, I want to sew along with someone and get it right so it doesn't end up in a bag that I have of sewing projects that have met their True Death!! (Paying homage to a once great show True Blood)
Now the Sewing with Knits class was the first class on my wish list to buy. Yes, I have sewn with knits before and have had good and bad expirences with it. So...I figured buying this class may help me with things I haven't learned by trial and error yet.
I bought Making Leather Bags with the hope that I can start making my own color handbags to go with the outfits that I sew. When I took a trip to NYC this past summer to the fashion district I was looking at all the leather and faux leather that could be used. I'm not sure how I feel about wearing leather as apparel besides a leather coat, so making bags seems like a good idea.
I think this purchase I am the most excited about. I have always thought about making my own bra and panty sets. After making my first bathing suit this past summer I figured I can make undergarments as well. Now when I think off all the pretty sets I can make I think of the Spandex House in NYC garment district. I have watched some of the class already just to watch. The instructor did say at one point the spandex fabric may not be a good choice but that was stated more for the big bosom women, which I am FAR from!! Breastfeeding my kids took care of that for me! Lol!! So I still may try the spandex material.
What made me by The Weekend Duffel class was a few things. 1) I own two duffel bags, one is small so to me really is a gym bag and the other has ripped. 2) I have been traveling a lot lately and I would like to take a duffel sometimes instead of a book bag and carry-on suitcase. 3) I was drawn in by the design and color of the fabric of the bag pictured!!! LOL! I don't know if I would have bought it if it was just a plan ole' black or blue duffel. Presentation does matter so I will be on the hunt for some pretty canvas or upholstery fabric to make this bag.
I have a few more classes sitting in my sitting in my wish list cart that pertain to sewing, but I just added a Rigid Heddle Weaving class to the cart as well. Now to buy a loom....
Until Next Time! ✌️
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