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Showing posts from 2016

Light Box DIY

Photography Light Box DIY I posted on a few of my social medias my DIY Light Box that I made.  I had a lot of interest on how to make it and was asked to make a tutorial.  I thought about a YouTube video tutorial, but I am "video shy".  LOL So I took pics on how to make it instead.  It's easier to print as well if you wanted.  Please contact me if you have any questions. What you need: Three foam boards size 20 x 30 x 3/16 inches 1-2 Poster boards Rulers Wax paper or tissue paper Pencil, pen or marker Clear tape Masking tape or duct tape Razor blade Measure up 20 inches and make a line across.  (You don't have to measure 20 inches. You can measure as high as you like to make it as tall as you like.) I chose 20 inches.  Cut the board at the line you made. Do step 1 and 2 for the other foam board as well. This will be the sides of the box. Cut your 3rd board to be 22 inches wide (or wider if you like) and 20 inc...

What's new and possibly moving my blog shortly

I haven't posted anything on this blog in over a year.  So many things have happen to me since I lasted posted!  My business has been growing steady. Would I like it to be growing faster than it is...yes, but all in due time I guess.  Since I have been concentrating on my business I haven't had time to post because I am always at the sewing machine.  Instagram has also been the new form of blogging for me.  It has been much easier to take a picture of an item I have sold or am selling, write a description and go from there. Not to say that I haven't missed writing on my blog.  Just in today's world with everything being a photo snap away, that is what it has come down to lately. I have been considering moving my blog to WordPress. I am also looking into Google Sites. I have been wanting an actual website that I can post my items and or services on, but at the same time have a blog if I want.  I don't want to lose all the posts that I have ...