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DIY - Butterick B6130 - View D

DIY - Butterick B6130 - View D

January Pretty Girls Sew
Date Night Challenge

Pretty Girls Sew has a sewing challenge posted monthly.  I have never joined one before. I was a little apprehensive about joining because I still consider myself a beginner... may even consider myself an advanced beginner. Sooo....with that being said I decided to put on my big girls pants and just do it.  It was a challenge for me, but in a good way.  I learned a few things in this challenge that will be used as I go further in this sewing journey.

Click this link to see my submission!

You can also see it on my Instagram - SewSilverlinings2017 or their Instagram - PrettyGirlsSew 

And check out the latest Pretty Girls Sew Magazine!

For this project I went to Joann Fabrics and picked a beautiful Blackberry Super Matte Jersey Knit. I had no idea what I was going to buy to begin with.  I walked into Joann's and passed by a small section that was made of just purple fabric.  It immediately caught my eye since purple is my favorite color.

Besides the fabric I cut out purple lining for the bodice.  Not to many pieces to cut out, which is normally a plus for me.

Pinning the bodice lining to the bodice fabric.

After cutting the pants pattern and sewing the side seams.  OMG...I was freaking out at first when I cut them out.  My first thought...I know they are supposed to be wide legged, but these are not going to fit. When they were all sewed up, I put them on and saw that they fit my thighs and backside perfectly.  That's all that mattered to me!

You can always tell when I working in the day and when I am burning the midnight oil late into the night!  My lighting always changes.  The only thing I didn't like about this bodice even though it looks good in the end is all the gathering it required.  I mean I get's part of the pattern, but I'm just not a fan of it at all!!

The bodice for obvious reasons was the most time consuming.  After completely sewing the lining to the fabric I will honestly say I quit for a couple days.  I needed to take a breather.  It was easy enough to follow, I just needed to step away and take a breather.

So far I have sewn in a had full of zippers.  Without fail I always end up ripping out the seam of an installed zipper for one reason or another. Whether the thread got caught in the zipper and prevented it from zipping, it wasn't close enough to where it should be or moved while I was sewing.  This time I had to remove it because I failed to line up the mid-drift seams lines.  They were uneven and looked crazy.  I lined it up using tailors chalk to be perfectly exact!!

I bought this invisible zipper foot on Ebay a few months ago for on $6.99.  It was a very good investment.

The collar was easy enough to put together.  This is probably my least favorite part of this project.  I wish it was a little wider so it when sewn to the bodice it would have hung down lower.  Even in the pattern it doesn't look like it was supposed to hang low, but that is just what I would have liked.

I wanted to break up all the purple and I found a cute gold belt at TJ Maxx for $12.99.  It feels great when you go into a store looking for a specific item and it's just hanging on the rack like come and get me!!  I LOVE IT!!

Would I make this again????   Maybe!! At first I said no, but the more I look at it and see myself in it, it is starting to grow on me and may be a possibility.  If I was going to do another jumpsuit in general I would find a pattern or maybe alter this one to have the legs be tighter...make it look even more sexy in my opinion.  One of my favorite Hashtags #SewingIsSexy!!

Until Next Time!!!



  1. I have little trick to install invisible zipper nicely. Sew one side. Zipper up, mark the crossing line of horizontal seam, pin zipper, sew from the crossing point to the end, then sew the rest. Maybe it isn't couture technique but it works.


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