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Showing posts from April, 2014

Busy weekend....SPORTS GALORE

My daughter had her first spring soccer game today. They won today 5-0. She didn't score in this game, but she had 2 assists which is basically scoring in my eyes.  And my son playing t-ball. It's so cute to see these little 5-6yr old boys hitting off the t and running all over the place. Even running straight to 3rd base instead of 1st. Too cute!! I will say that during half I was thinking about the sewing projects I have sitting on my table right now. I was also thinking about taking a week vacation off of work so I can work on projects. I barely take vacation away so this can be a good excuse.  Just my thoughts. Here's my daughter before her game warming up.  And he is my son ready for his t-ball game!  Until Next Time Stephanie

The Other Part Of Life Being A Working Mom....Another In Between!

Hello fellow Bloggers, I am eating my breakfast and on my way out the door for a 10 hour work day, but still feel like I have to say something because nothing just doesn't cut it.  I have a million sewing ideas, fabric, books, patterns, almost finished and finished products that I want to share....just have to find the time with work and "Oh Yeah" being MOM!!  I guess you don't realize (myself included) how much time and effort it takes.  I just have to remember for me, it is FUN and NOT WORK!! So on a fun note....I want to share a picture of my daughter.  This past Tuesday was her first softball game of the season.  She plays fall soccer, basketball, softball and also spring soccer at the same time.  She loves her sports and I am so proud of her.  She's pretty good too!! I'm not just saying that because she is mine. Please wish her luck today....she will see this post!! She's in the zone!!! Until Next Time  ✌ Stephanie ...

Happy Administrative Professional Day

Thank you to all the administrative professionals (including me) that make offices, small business, hospitals and corporations go 'round!! Without would fall!! LOL  Happy Administrative Professional Day!! Now let's get ready for a pizza party!! Stephanie

Part 2 of my Joann's Shopping Trip ---Fabric Haul

*Fabric haul* Part 2 Joann Fabrics Shopping Trip If you haven't read Part 1 of my Joann Fabrics shopping trip, please do!! I had so much fun in the store last week. I had a whole shopping list of what I was looking for and I normally don't.  I like to walk in and let inspiration flow, but I was on a mission that day!! All the fabric I bought was cut for 2 yards.  I always but 2 yards.  One, to be on the safe side if I need more. Two, so I have scraps to make my memory quilt later on down the line. The white cotton material at the top was bought to make a pair of white leggings.  I made a pair of black ones using a Leggings YouTube Tutorial from The Crafty Gemini and I was instantly fascinated with how fast and easy it was to make my first pair of leggings. So...because I wanted to make a few more COMFORTABLE scrub tops for work I decided to stick with the Joann's Easy Care and Wash Fabric.  I also bought the fabric when i...

This Weeks Joann Fabrics Flyer April 21-May 3

Good Morning Bloggers and Google + followers.  Before I send my post of my fabric haul from last week, I just wanted to point of this weeks new Joann's Flyer . It has some really good coupons in it that should be taken advantage of. I already cut my coupons out! Make sure to look at the dates on them!! The normal 50% off one regular priced fabric and 40% off any one regular priced item including a single cut of by-the-yard fabric are there.  Plus they add 2 extra coupons of the same advertised coupons.  But, I am more excited about the other two coupons. April 27 - May 3--- 50% off your TOTAL Purchase of regular-priced Thread. April 27 - May 3--- 50% off your TOTAL regular priced Notions Wall Purchase. So check the mail and their website HERE for the coupons.  If you don't have a flyer mailed to your house..DO SO so you don't miss out. Until Next Time!!  ✌ Stephanie I am in no way affiliated with Joann's F...

Happy Easter!!

HAPPY EASTER From My Family To Yours!! Tomorrow Part 2 of the Joann Fabrics Shopping Haul Until Next Time  ✌ Stephanie

Part 1 of my Joann's Shopping Trip ---Simplicity Pattern Haul and More

*Pattern haul* Part 1 Joann Fabric Shopping Trip Working so much during the week I try to get to Joann's on a Friday or on a Saturday because that is normally the last day of a SALE!  In the last three weeks they have had pattern sales going on so I have been trying to grab some here and there while the sale is running. Since I want to get into more garment sewing I want to stock up! This week the Simplicity Patterns were on Sale for $1.00!! Now we all know that these patterns can run from $7.00 to $20.00 so to get it that cheap is more than a steal. The sale does exclude a few brands under the Simplicity name like New Look (they are $3 anyway), Burda , It's Sew Easy, and Sew Simple.  The limit is 10 person, but I manage to get around that...... SHHHH!!!! I did get a few others that were on sale as well just not for $1.00 I believe there is one more McCall's pattern missing.  It might be under a pile of fabric or something.  ...

DIY -- Teal and Gray Circle Scrub Top -- OOTD

DIY - Teal and Gray Circle Scrub Top What I Wore Today  This fabric was purchased at my local Joann Fabrics . It is part of there Easy Care and Wash Collection its called Circle and Lines . It is 40% Polyester and 60% Cotton. I used Wrights Extra Wide Double Fold Bias Tape  and matching thread.  So I will be honest.....since I started sewing I have been OBSESSED with making scrub tops for myself. The reason being its 50% easy to make, and 50% fun to pick out what materials and designs that you like. I buy 2 yards of fabric for everything I do. Because if I mess up I have more. I want the scraps for another project down the road. I'm thinking maybe I should make my own scrub line.  Happy Good Friday!! Until Next Time  ✌ Stephanie

DIY -- Hello Kitty Scrub Top -- OOTD

DIY - Hello Kitty Scrub Top What I Wore Today  Fabric from Joann Fabrics  I'm not sure if you can buy this particular print online, but I did see it in a few of their retail stores.  I used Wrights Extra Wide Double Fold Bias Tape accent the pockets and around the top.  If you haven't read my About Me page yet, I state that I work full-time in the medical field.  I don't have to wear scrubs all the time, but when I want to be comfortable it's my go to option!!  I was tired of seeing the same scrub tops I was wearing that day on other co-workers in the hospital and smiling at each other because we didn't know what else to say. I felt like I was in People Magazine on the "Who Wore It Better" page. So I decided to start making my own tops!!  This is the 2nd scrub top that I have ever made.  The first one I made ended up being a complete bust (My Failure) and I never took a pic of it.  I definitely learned for my mistakes (M...

Ideal Seam Guage....A Tool I Now Can't Live Without!!

This past weekend I went to the Original Sewing & Quilt Expo in Worcester, Massachusetts. I had been looking forward to this for a few months as this was my first time going.  While I'm not to much into quilting (maybe later) I wanted to check out the other things they would have going on.  It was definitely worth the hour and a half drive. More on the Expo in other posts. One of the vendors caught my eye because it was all decked out in Purple my favorite color!! A husband and wife team by the name of LuAnn and Steve Tippets of Sew Very Smooth were demonstrating on their sewing machines this handy tool to help you make straight lines.  I immediately wanted it after watching LuAnn demonstrate a few times using different seam widths. Ideal Seam Gauge Those little black dots are actually holes that you drop your needle in to get the desired seam width. Ideal Seam Guide The Ideal Seam Guide is lined up directly against the Ideal Sea...

I Did Say The In Betweens!!!

YesterDAY I was messing around with my iPhone deleting unnecessary apps and old emails that I don't use anymore.I even deleted cache and browsing history from safari.  I was feeling pretty good about it because it felt like I was doing a little spring cleaning on my phone. Later on last NIGHT.....I was at work sitting at my desk and thinking about my future postings for this blog. I had some ideas and dates written down in my notepad along with a few extra important notes.  Now did you catch that I said HAD??? My entire notepad was gone!!!!  I could not believe it!! I went through a few different stages.  I went from shocked, to panicked, to angry and then too disappointed. I was disappointed with myself because the notes that were in there I didn't write anywhere else.  The dates of all the projects that I finished were in there. A few pin #'s were in there.  And last but not least because it is really important to combination code to my bike...

Shower Power....First project I finished!

So I guess what I will be trying to do is start from the bottom with the first project I completed before I started my blog and work my way up to present day.  I wish I had pictures of my progress as I was trucking along,  but I don't. So the first project I finished is a shower curtain that was inspired by one of my favorite magazines  Sew It All . I have been collecting this magazine since its first publication in 2010. This magazine is from the editors of Sew News . In Volume 7 of  Sew It All  there is a home decor project called  Shower Power .  When I saw it I immediately fell in love with it and said I have to try it. I'm not sure if it was the color that I loved or if it was how easy the project looked to finish. I pretty much stayed with the green family though. I went with my daughter to my local Joann Fabrics  to pick out my fat quarters.  She was a great help!! This is the project that made me want to contin...

Here for the first time!

This is my first ever blog post!  I am super excited about this because I have a million things that I want to share and discuss.  There is not enough hours in the day so I am going to have to spread it out. Even if it takes a week to get to what happened last week...I will get to it until I am caught up with daily events. First name is Stephanie.  I have decided to start a Blog as a sort of diary of my journey with sewing and the in between(s) of my life...not every detail but you get what I'm saying. I have been sewing on and off for a few years but just recently in the last 6 months have I started to take it seriously.  Seriously enough that I toss and turn at night with ideas or projects that I want to keep working on, but at the same time I need sleep.  I do work a full-time job and co-parent 2 beautiful kids (more on them another time) which eats up a lot of time also.  I just keep telling myself if I want to keep buying fabric the mo...