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Showing posts from September, 2016

What's new and possibly moving my blog shortly

I haven't posted anything on this blog in over a year.  So many things have happen to me since I lasted posted!  My business has been growing steady. Would I like it to be growing faster than it is...yes, but all in due time I guess.  Since I have been concentrating on my business I haven't had time to post because I am always at the sewing machine.  Instagram has also been the new form of blogging for me.  It has been much easier to take a picture of an item I have sold or am selling, write a description and go from there. Not to say that I haven't missed writing on my blog.  Just in today's world with everything being a photo snap away, that is what it has come down to lately. I have been considering moving my blog to WordPress. I am also looking into Google Sites. I have been wanting an actual website that I can post my items and or services on, but at the same time have a blog if I want.  I don't want to lose all the posts that I have ...