DIY - Kid's Romper - McCall's M7151 View C I have no idea why these pictures came out so fuzzy. It could be because it was a cloudy day, but I had to post this because it's too darn cute!! I don't normally make too much for my kids because honestly they don't like the patterns that are in the store. I guess they aren't "Cool Enough" compared to the apparel that is in the store. The other problem is my daughter DOES NOT like to wear dresses and there seems to be many "Girly Dresses" in the book that turns her off. We were flipping through the pattern book at Joann Fabrics and she came across the romper in the McCall's pattern book. Now to her this was meant for her because the "Romper Style is In Mom". She picked out her own fabric as well. We bought about 2 yards of a light weight jersey knit striped fabric. I know I took a picture of the bolt, but it must have been deleted from my phone at so...