Hi Everyone, Sorry I have been away for sometime now. My life has become very busy as of late and I have not had the time to actually blog. Not to say that I have not thought about the blog or to see what is going on in the blogging world, just have not been able to get to it. 1) Around this time of year between both my children they have three sports going on that literally take up Monday thru Saturday between practices and games! My daughter came in 2nd place in the Home Derby and also hit her first home run in a game this season. My son is in t-ball and he is doing pretty well learning the concept of the game we know as Baseball! 2) The hospital seems to be extremely busy this time of the year, so I have been working a lot more and training on a new computer software that the hospital is using now. Electronic Medical Record here our department comes!! 3) I have been dealing with 2 deaths in my family that were really close to each other in time...